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Rezensionen zu: Rissbrücke 100 cm x 50 Meter

Rissbrücke 100 cm x 50 Meter
Datum: Sonntag, 02. Oktober 2016
Autor: Gast

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lamotrigine treatment for bipolar disorder One small example of the kind of problems Serge found: Goldmanâ??s trading on the NASDAQ exchange. Goldman owned the lone (unmarked) building directly across the street from NASDAQ in Carteret, New Jersey. The building housed Goldmanâ??s dark pool. When Serge arrived, 40,000 messages per second were flying back and forth between computers inside the two buildings. Proximity, he assumed, must offer Goldman Sachs some advantageâ??after all, why else buy the only building anywhere near the exchange? But when he looked into it he found that, to cross the street from Goldman to NASDAQ, a signal took five milliseconds, or nearly as much time as it took a signal to travel on the fastest network from Chicago to New York. â??The theoretical limit [of sending a signal] from Chicago to New York is something like seven milliseconds,â? says Serge. â??Everything more than that is the friction caused by man.â? The friction could be caused by physical distanceâ??say, if the signal moving across the street in Carteret, New Jersey, traveled in something less direct than a straight line. It could be caused by computer hardware. (The top high-frequency-trading firms chuck out their old gear and buy new stuff every few months.) But it could also be caused by slow, clunky softwareâ??and that was Goldmanâ??s problem. Their high-frequency-trading platform was designed, in typical Goldman style, as a centralized hub-and-spoke system. Every signal sent was required to pass through the mother ship in Manhattan before it went back out into the marketplace. â??But the latency [the five milliseconds] wasnâ??t mainly due to the physical distance,â? says Serge. â??It was because the traffic was going through layers and layers of corporate switching equipment.â?

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