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Date: Saturday, 31. October 2015
Author: Gast

Would you like to leave a message? online essay scoring Malcolm has been a staff writer at The New Yorker magazine since the 1960s, where one of her special sleights of hand is to take dead, often endlessly reworked, subjects and investigate them with a rigour more closely associated with true crime. Anton Chekhov, Sylvia Plath, Sigmund Freud: in each of these cases she has found people to interview, places to go, and documents to scour, lending them the eye of a critic, the tone of a novelist and the energy of an old-fashioned gumshoe. A new collection of essays, Forty-One False Starts, takes its title from a New Yorker profile of the painter David Salle, and contains essays on other artists and writers, and a telling fragment from a memoir Malcolm abandoned.

Evaluation: TEXT_OF_5_STARS


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